Did not find a how-to for your problem?

Ask me to write the how-to post by writing to the mailing-list at cps-devel [@] lists [.] nuxeo [.] com or writing to me to joseluisdelarosa+cpshowto [@] gmail [.] com. Note: I'll keep all conversations on the official mailing list.

Monday, June 4, 2007

How to install CPS 3.4.4 on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

This post explains briefly how to install CPS 3.4.4 in an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn with support for the most common products. I suppose that you have already installed Ubuntu Feisty Faw.

The installation will be based on CPS 3.4.4 and the required versions Zope 2.9.7 and Python 2.4.3.


  1. Install extra packages from Ubuntu Feisty repository:

    apt-get install make gcc python2.4 python2.4-dev g++ subversion

  2. Create some useful directories:

    root@ubuntu:~# cd
    root@ubuntu:~# mkdir opt
    root@ubuntu:~# mkdir instances
    root@ubuntu:~# mkdir downloads

Installing Zope

  1. Download and install Zope 2.9.7

    cd downloads
    wget http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope/2.9.7/Zope-2.9.7-final.tgz
    tar xvfz Zope-2.9.7-final.tgz
    cd Zope-2.9.7-final
    ./configure --prefix=./opt/zope2.9.7
    make install
  2. Create Zope's instance

    root@ubuntu:~# ./opt/zope2.9.7/bin/mkzopeinstance.py
    Please choose a directory in which you'd like to install
    Zope "instance home" files such as database files, configuration
    files, etc.
    Directory: /srv/cps
    Please choose a username and password for the initial user.
    These will be the credentials you use to initially manage
    your new Zope instance.
    Username: cps
    Verify password:
  3. Configure Zope:
    1. Add a new user to run zope:
      addgroup --system zope
      adduser --system --group zope

    2. Edit the file /srv/cps/etc/zope.conf and set effective-user, http-realm and http-server address:
      effective-user zope

      http-realm My CPS instance
      address 8080
    3. Change permissions of Zope's instance
      chown -R zope:zope /srv/cps
  4. Run Zope to test if it works by itself../bin/zopectl start
  5. Open your web browser and type http://localhost:8080, home page of Zope should arise.

Installing CPS 3.4.4

  1. Download CPS to the Products folder:
    1. Remove the directory Products of Zope as it will be replace for CPS's.
      rm -rf Products
    2. Create again the directory Products from the CPS repository
      svn export http://svn.nuxeo.org/pub/CPS3/bundles/CPS-3-full/tags/CPS-3.4.4 Products
  2. Restart Zope
    ./bin/zopectl restart
  3. Go to the ZMI in http://localhost:8080/manage
  4. Navigate to the Root folder of Zope and add a "CPSDefault Site".
  5. Fill in the gaps of the form and click the button "Add". Notice the identifier you choose for the new object as it will be your passport to access to it. I will choose "cps".
  6. After a while the brand new CPS's instance will be available in the url:

If the step 6 gave you a good answer, Congratulations!! You have just installed CPS and now you can collaborate with others by using this powerful ECM.


Anonymous said...

Good Article

Anonymous said...

that is definitely what I was searching for, You have saved me alot of time