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Sunday, June 17, 2007

How to implement upgrades.

From CPS 3.4.0 there's a new tool called portal_setup which utility is doubtless: a very easy way to install new products by importing profiles, creation of snapshots, export of the configuration state of the site, upgrades, etc. This is the product GenericSetup.

This post will show how to use GenericSetup to write upgrades. Upgrades can be manage (mainly installed) from the tab Upgrades of the tool portal_setup.

The upgrade in this how-to will show how fill the place of an old tool with a new one. However, the steps and main concepts will be usefull for almost any kind of upgrade you need to create.

  1. Add a new line to the file CPSMessages/configure.zcml.

    <configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">

    <include file="upgrade.zcml" />


  2. Create a file called upgrade.zcml and add the definition of the new upgrade.

    title=”Replace old CPSMessages tool for the new one”
    source=”1.0” destination=”1.1”

    The parameters used in the latter expression are:
    • title: The title that will appear in the list of available upgrades in portal_setup->Upgrades.
    • source: Version before upgrade.
    • destination: Version after upgrade.
    • handler: The module and name of the function that performs the upgrade.
    • checker: The module and name of the function that says if the upgrade needs to be run or not. The checker is optional; if it would be too costly to check for the conversion, it can be omitted. This is the case typically for an upgrade step that would recurse in the content object to do some fixups to check if they've already been done it would have to recurse in the content objects too and that's too much work for a simple check. The setup tool won't list a step without a checker if the portal has already been upgraded to a later version than the step's destination version.
    • sortkey: The sortkey is optional.

  3. Create the module CPSMessages/upgrade.py. This file will contain the functions to check and run all the upgrades of the product.

  4. Create the function to upgrade. This function will apply the corresponding upgrade.

    def upgrade_10_11_upgrade_who_online_tool(self):

    Removes the old MessagesTool which is replaced by
    the CPSMessages's.
    upgraded = 0
    imtoolId = MessagesTool.id
    portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject()
    imtool = getToolByName(portal, imtoolId, None)

    if wtool:

    performUpgrade = imtool.meta_type != MessagesTool.meta_type
    if performUpgrade:

    # Import new profile
    setupTool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_setup', None)
    upgraded = 1

    return upgraded

  5. Create the check function. If it returns true, the upgrade will be available to be applied; if it returns false, the upgrade can be applied but it will not appear in the list of available upgrades. The functions called by the upgrade method always receives at least one parameter, the object portal.

    def upgrade_10_11_upgrade_who_online_tool_checker(self):

    Returns True if the tool portal_imessages is not instance of
    performUpgrade = False
    imtoolId = MessagesTool.id
    portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject()
    imtool = getToolByName(portal, imtoolId, None)

    if wtool:

    performUpgrade = imtool.meta_type != MessagesTool.meta_type

    return performUpgrade

  6. Restart Zope's instance.

  7. Go to the tab Upgrades of the tool portal_setup and check the new upgrade is there.

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